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What is Vaginal Steaming?

Across the planet & throughout time women have used vaginal steaming as a sacred way to reconnect & balance. It is the practice of standing/squatting or sitting over steaming water that contains herbs. There are many benefits to vaginal steaming including balancing cycles, pain free periods, reduce fibroids/cysts & endometriosis, promotes fertility, labor preparation/postpartum healing, balancing hormones and many more. 


Trusted & Certified 

I am certified as a Peristeam Facilitator through Steamy Chick Institute. For more information on my certification or the history and benefits of vaginal steaming, please visit the Steamy Chick website.

Demystifying the Steam


Fertility Benefits

Steaming can benefit your fertility by creating a healthy and ready to conceive womb. This practice can be one of the first steps you take on your path to conception. Steaming is recommended prior to conception regularly for one year and can be used in tandem with fertility assistance. It can also support your menopause and post-menopause journey. For more information on fertility benefits, click below. 


Cycle Benefits

There are lots of benefits to steamin when it comes to your cycle. Users report improvements with menstrual irregularities such as absent periods, long menstrual cycles, short menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, light bleeding and clots. They have also reported that steam is useful for managing negative menstrual cycle side effects such as cramps, pain, headaches and back pain. For more information, click below. 


Postpartum Benefits

The most popular use for vaginal steaming is for postpartum recovery. A trial study called the Fourth Trimester Vaginal Steam Study found that postpartum steaming was useful for returning the vulva to it’s pre-pregnancy state more quickly. Postpartum vaginal steaming is generally done for 30 consecutive days to support a complete postpartum womb cleanse. For more information, click below.

My Personal Steaming Journey

I think it's important to share my personal experiences with you, so that we can create lasting trust and connections. I began my steaming journey while I was going through infertility after realizing that my cycle was only 24 days. While tracking, I noticed that my cycle began with lingering blood, which was an alarming sign that I needed to prioritize exploring these issues. 


Like most women who get into the world of steaming, I was referred to a woman who offered these services and after the first session, I was hooked. My consistent sessions over a few months helped me return to a 28 day cycle and welcomed in bright red blood, a great sign for those experiencing infertility difficulties. 


Vaginal steaming gave me back my power, hope, and strength. More importantly, I finally felt aligned in my body and got my trust back. Shortly after, I became pregnant with my first daughter, and the joy of motherhood and what I learned though this journey has brought me here today... to help you and others who are looking for an alternative. 


Looking For More?

If you have any questions about steaming, or if you're just unsure on which package is right for you, let's chat!

Looking forward to connecting with you!

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